A “Golden Rule” of Ham radio operations is the premise that all electrical connections are made with PowerPole (PP) connectors. This makes all our equipment so-called “interoperable”.
It is considered blaphemous to question their use in the Ham culture. Well, I gotta tell ya’ll, I have ditched the use of PP’s.
Just to be clear. I have no beef with PowerWerx, the leading retailer in the PP universe. I have ordered lots of stuff from them over the years. Their customer service, packaging, shipping, and product quality is first class. They are a great company.
There are 6 reasons I no longer use them:
- You must be properly trained on how to wire them up.
- Getting consistent, and robust connections is challenging.
- They are not weather-resistant.
- They get loose/sloppy after lots of use.
- The market is overrun with cheap Chinese knock-offs that are horrible.
- They are way too expensive.